League Copilot
League copilot
Achieve your league of legends goals
Currently in alpha
Riot approved
Why League Copilot?
League of Legends is a crazy game with so much happening, and getting better can be tough. That's where League Copilot comes in! We're here to help you make sense of the madness and show you clear ways to up your game, pointing out exactly what's holding you back

Answers your questions directly in game
Post game report: Understand what you could have done better
Ask any follow-up questions you may have to our League Copilot Engine
Vote for new features
Votes Feature
57 ❀️
Game overlay: coach message directly visible in the game
7 ❀️
Improvement hub: strengths / mistakes dashboards, elo tracking etc.
8 ❀️
More proactive feedback from coach: coach when specific events happen like drake / baron / tower falling etc.
44 ❀️
Improve game engine: coaching on wave states, jungler position, weak side, strong side etc.
5 ❀️
Create automated video highlights of specific game moments
1 ❀️
Support arena mode
3 ❀️
Directly update the app within the app and ability to do automatic updates
2 ❀️
Save video footage for each game (configurable) and allow to ask questions to the coach afterwards
Join the #user-feedback discord channel to suggest more!
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